Symptoms of anxiety and depression in social media in connection with the threat of COVID-19

Symptoms of anxiety and depression in social media in connection with the threat of COVID-19




depression, social media, big data, covid-19


Professional literature usually perceives the Internet and social media from the perspective of threat. Many papers describe the risk of using the Internet, both practical one concerning threatened security or finances and psychological one pertaining to addiction or depression. However, more and more often the cyberspace is treated as the research subject in itself or an area where one can analyse behaviours of Internet users. This paper is an example of the latter approach. With the help of the Big Data analysis of social media, Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) shall be used to compare how often suicidal behaviour symptoms occurred in Internet users’ posts this year and the year preceding the COVID-19 threat.


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Author Biography

Zbigniew Wieczorek, Uniwersytet Humanistyczno - Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie

Social counsellor and sociologist, PhD in Humanities, employee of the Department of Education Studies of Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa. He has an over twenty-year experience in assertiveness training and social skills training. His scientific interests focus on widely-understood social communication and using techniques from different therapeutic schools in the process of self-development and learning new behaviours. Privately he is interested in cycling, rock climbing and mountain trekking.


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How to Cite

Wieczorek, Z. (2020). Symptoms of anxiety and depression in social media in connection with the threat of COVID-19. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (9), 131–145.



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