The Profile of Ego States and the Experience of Positive and Negative Emotions in the Context of Cyber Threat Vulnerability
transactional analysis, ego states, affective traits, emotions, cybersecurityAbstract
Rapid technological development brings new opportunities and new challenges. Among the problems that have emerged with the development of computers and the Internet, cybersecurity issues are paramount. They can be analyzed from many perspectives, on many different levels, and in relation to various, often incomparable scales of impact. The protection against inappropriate content for adults must be approached differently than for underage Internet users. Securing personal devices against cybercriminal attacks is different from securing the infrastructure of companies and institutions. For computer science, the most important thing is to use appropriate software to secure computers and networks. From the perspective of social sciences, the primary focus is on the human being - the user of new technologies. The effectiveness of implemented technical solutions depends primarily on their characteristics, tendencies, knowledge, and skills. Cybersecurity thus appears as an interdisciplinary problem, in which technological and software issues are just as important as personality, social, and educational issues.
In this article, the author presents the results of their own research, in which an analysis was conducted of the profile of the self-states of computer users and their tendency to experience positive and negative emotions, in the context of their potential vulnerability to cyber threats.
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