Emotional Intelligence and Reflectiveness versus Passivity in the Context of Transactional Analysis. Research Report

Emotional Intelligence and Reflectiveness versus Passivity in the Context of Transactional Analysis. Research Report





transactional analysis, passivity, emotional intelligence, reflectiveness


The article presents a research report investigating the relationships between emotional intelligence, as defined by P. Salovey and J.D. Mayer, and reflectiveness, understood as a cognitive style, with passivity according to the principles of transactional analysis. The results indicate that emotional intelligence in the areas of understanding, acceptance, and emotional control helps reduce passive behaviors in all their manifestations. Empathy, on the other hand, may intensify passive actions in the domain of incapacity, understood as disabling oneself from action through psychosomatic symptoms. Regarding reflectiveness, a negative correlation with passivity was found in terms of deliberation, while a positive correlation was found with self-doubt. The research was conducted using the CAWI survey technique on a group of 423 adults. The conclusions suggest that the principles of transactional analysis can be used to build resources based on emotional intelligence and self-confidence, which, in turn, may reduce the scope of passive behavior, thereby promoting effectiveness in the face of problematic situations.


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How to Cite

Pierzchała, A. (2024). Emotional Intelligence and Reflectiveness versus Passivity in the Context of Transactional Analysis. Research Report. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (13). https://doi.org/10.16926/eat.2024.13.11



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