Resilience levels of paupils participating in the pilot of the prevention programme "SPARK Resilience" (ISKRA Odporności)

Resilience levels of paupils participating in the pilot of the prevention programme "SPARK Resilience" (ISKRA Odporności)




resilience, students,, early adolescence, prevention


This article draws attention and describes the importance of resilience as a protective factor in both mental and social maturing processes. The topic was inspired by the SPARK Resilience (ISKRA Odporności) pilot prevention programme, the aim of which is to support emotional immunity defined as the ability to control reactions to events and to cope with stress. This article presents the programme's assumptions and the conclusions of the first part of the research to evaluate it. A group of 433 students from 13 schools in Poland in classes V-VIII of primary school and class I of secondary school were surveyed in the selected procedure. The surveys conducted via the Internet used, among others, the SPP- 18 N. Ogińska-Bulik and Z. Juczyński. The research demonstrated the respondents' level of resilience, which turned out to be significantly lower in the surveyed girls than in the boys.


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Author Biographies

Adrianna Sarnat-Ciastko, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa

social educator and political scientist. Assistant professor at the Department of Social Pedagogy and Pedagogical Therapy at the Academy of Jan Długosz in Częstochowa. Member of the Educational Transactional Analysis Research Team. Tutor. Author of many scientific articles, especially in the field of teacher-student relations and author's schools. Researcher of the phenomenon of the effectiveness of school tutoring in the Polish education system.

Katarzyna Nowak, University of Technology and Humanities in Radom

dr n.hum. in the field of psychology, graduate of the Catholic University of Lublin (2003), psychologist, psychotherapist, since 2005 assistant professor at the University of Technology and Humanities in Radom; author of the monograph Quality of life in mental illness (2010) and scientific articles in the field of clinical psychology. Member of the Polish Psychological Society. She completed a 4-year training in psychotherapy at the Institute of Group Analysis in Rasztów in Warsaw (2004).


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How to Cite

Sarnat-Ciastko, A., & Nowak, K. (2022). Resilience levels of paupils participating in the pilot of the prevention programme "SPARK Resilience" (ISKRA Odporności). The Educational Transactional Analysis, (11), 101–117.



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