A tutor in the cyber world – a lamp and a mirror
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blended learning
school tutoring


The aim of this article is to specify the role and significance of tutors in distance learning especially in e-learning. Analysis of literature of the subject shows that effectiveness this form of education depends on access to the applicable computer equipment and software but also depends on a human factor. This applies to the interaction between participants, recognition of their needs, the motivation and monitoring etc. for which can respond most effectively a human tutor not a machine. A tutor as a companion, a guide, a substantive or a personal guardian – even if he is a digital immigrant – to create a good relationship with tutees, he become for them a lamp and a mirror, illuminating a safe route, showing distance traveled, connects worlds. The experience of this type of support, present, for example at the Open University, may be increasingly available for Polish pupils or students. This is connected with the process of implementation of the tutoring in the Polish schools and universities, which has become the subject of scientific observations of the author.

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