Developing social skills of pre-school and early-school children on the basis of transactional analysis assumptions. The characteristics of the Little Professor University programme

Developing social skills of pre-school and early-school children on the basis of transactional analysis assumptions. The characteristics of the Little Professor University programme




educational transactional analysis, social skills, autonomy, passivity


The article presents the characteristics of The Little Professor University programme, whose aim is to support the development of social skills of pre-school and early-school children. The programme’s assumptions are based on the theoretical constructs of transactional analysis. The main objective of the programme is the development of its participants’ autonomy and preventing the use of passive strategies the way TA understands them. The text shows both a theoretical framework of the project, its practical realisation, and a general evaluation analysis of the first meeting cycle.


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Author Biography

Anna Pierzchała, Jan Dlugosz Univeristy in Czestochowa

Doktor nauk humanistycznych w zakresie pedagogiki, pracownik Katedry Badań nad Edukacją Uniwersytetu Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczego im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie, członek działającego na Wydziale Nauk Społecznych UJD Zespołu Badawczego Edukacyjnej Analizy Transakcyjnej, certyfikowany terapeuta pedagogiczny. Jej zainteresowania naukowe oscylują wokół możliwości wykorzystywania założeń koncepcji analizytransakcyjnej na gruncie działalności edukacyjnej oraz terapii pedagogicznej uczniów z dysleksją, ADHD oraz zaburzeniami zachowania.


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How to Cite

Pierzchała, A. (2019). Developing social skills of pre-school and early-school children on the basis of transactional analysis assumptions. The characteristics of the Little Professor University programme. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (8), 15–29.



Transactional analysis in education