Transgression of humanity – transhumanism as a new face for religious upbringing?
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religious upbringing


The article depicts transhumanism as an alternative form of religious upbringing which entirely rejects the Christian concept of humanity through favoring a non-transcendent, transgressive notion of human existence. First, I will try to present transcendence and transgression as two diametrically opposed worldviews. Further, I will elaborate various transhumanistic approaches to spirituality and religion. Finally, I will demonstrate the transgressive impact of transhumanism with reference to the philosophy of Georges Bataille. Generally, this paper will argue that transhumanism aims at realizing the idea of a sovereign, amoral and atheistic individual, whose spirituality is based on the concept of overcoming the anthropological limitations of humanity. From a pedagogical point of view transhumanism proclaims an existential attitude that fundamentally disclaims the ontological difference between sacrum and profanum.
Pdf (Język Polski)


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