In the world of digital media. The role of information technology in Polish and Czech secondary education


teacher competencies
information technology in education
digital school


Public schools have a basis for creating a new offer of multimedia activities. Every school should plan its development based on its resources and competences. Keeping up with the ever-changing reality, rather than sticking to once chosen directions, is the way to digital school individualization. Only such a school model allows to achieve beneficial for society educational results in the beginning of the 21st century.

The types and scopes of proposed activities depend on the requirements for audiovisual equipment, and the competence of teachers. Multimedia is a combination of several different ways of conveying information in order to provide the audience with better prepared information.

The article presents the results of a survey on the use of Information Technology in upper secondary education by teachers, which shows the extent of teachers' knowledge of media education of young people, the support for this education, and the opinions about it at school.

A selection of two secondary schools with similar fields of study in Poland and the Czech Republic is juxtaposed.

The school should play a major role in the blended learning system by initiating and enabling remote learning (using the equipment of laboratories - computers with Internet access and the knowledge and skills of teachers).


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