The Family Album and the Script

The Family Album and the Script


  • Jarosław Jagieła, dr hab. prof. AJD Akademia im. J. Długosza w Częstochowie



life script, family album, narrative therapy


The paper presents the idea of initiating work on the patient’s script with the use of their family album. It is done during five consecutive stages similar to the stages in narrative therapy. The in- troductory stage serves as a preparation for using the album, the next stage allows for the identifi- cation of the persons in the photographs, while during the third one patients compare the photo- graphs in the album and look for significant moments in their biographies. In the fourth stage an alternative version of events from the patients’ past is created, and the last one should lead to redecisions concerning resolutions made in early childhood. Due to the advancement of digital photography, it might be the last moment when a family album in its traditional form can aid work on the script in therapy.


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Author Biography

Jarosław Jagieła, dr hab. prof. AJD, Akademia im. J. Długosza w Częstochowie

Pedagog społeczny i terapeuta. Kierownik Zespołu Badawczego Edukacyjnej Analizy Transakcyjnej oraz Zakładu Pedagogiki Społecznej i Terapii Pedago- gicznej w Akademii im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie. Wykładowca w Kate- drze Psychologii Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie. Autor piętnastu książek oraz przeszło dwustu artykułów naukowych i popularnonaukowych.



How to Cite

Jagieła, J. (2014). The Family Album and the Script. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (3), 45–63.



Transactional analysis in education

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