Positive transactional analysis

Positive transactional analysis





transactional analysis, positive psychology, educational transactional analysis


From the very beginning, transactional analysis (TA) in its psychotherapeutic dimension has been guided by the same assumptions which form the basis of positive psychology. This fact has been pointed out by a number of authors publishing in TAJ. The implementation of transactional analysis into education and its problems, models and solutions additionally increase the involvement of this concept in contemporary positive psychology. Thanks to educational transactional analysis, the school and the entire educational system can become a place that offers a chance for proper development and the realization of the potential of all agents who take part in education and upbringing (students, teachers, parents).


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Author Biography

Jarosław Jagieła, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa

Pedagog społeczny i terapeuta. Kierownik Zespołu Badawczego Edukacyjnej Analizy Transakcyjnej. Autor kilkunastu książek oraz przeszło dwustu artykułów naukowych i popularnonaukowych.


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How to Cite

Jagieła, J. (2019). Positive transactional analysis. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (8), 237–245. https://doi.org/10.16926/eat.2019.08.15



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