From Transactional Analysis in education to Educational Transactional Analysis: a personal encounter

From Transactional Analysis in education to Educational Transactional Analysis: a personal encounter


  • Trudi Newton



Educational transactional analysis, TA in education


I became an educational transactional analyst almost by accident. TA was prov- ing very effective in my counselling work and I had joined a psychotherapy training group – because that was the only TA training that was available in the UK nearly thirty years ago. I had no idea when I started that it was possible to actually qualify in the education field, but when I discovered that it was I could see how all my pre- vious professional experience (social work and social work training, youth work, women’s groups, community development projects, adult education courses) couldbe framed in that way. Once I became a certified as an educational transactional ana- lyst, however, things soon changed. The evident usefulness of TA in schools, partic- ularly in behaviour support, and the network of people bringing the ideas into teach- ing meant that I was in demand even though I had never been a school teacher. Butthat didn’t matter – educators of all kinds were avid for ways of sharing TA in their work and were also realising what a difference it made to them personally in in- creasing their sense of self-worth and professional competence.


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Author Biography

Trudi Newton

ekspert w dziedzinie edukacyjnej analizy transakcyjnej, pracujena całym świecie nad wprowadzeniem radykalnych podejść do uczenia się i rozwoju społeczności. Jest współautorką kilku książek dla nauczycieli, TACTICS, która w szczegółowy sposób analizuje proces uczenia sięi nauczania oraz, niedawno wydanej, Educational Transactional Analysis: an international guide to theory and practice [Edukacyjna analiza transak-cyjna: międzynarodowy przewodnik po teorii i praktyce]. Regularnie pisuje do „Transactional Analysis Journal”, a ponadto była redaktorem dwóch nu-merów dotyczących edukacji i szkoleń z analizy transakcyjnej. Prowadziłaszkolenia z edukacyjnej analizy transakcyjnej w Wielkiej Brytanii i Rosji oraz nadzoruje programy szkoleniowe w kilku innych krajach, miedzy in-nymi w Południowej Afryce. W 2001 otrzymała od ITAA (MiędzynarodoweStowarzyszenie Analizy Transakcyjnej) nagrodę Muriel James Living Prin- ciples Award.




How to Cite

Newton, T. (2016). From Transactional Analysis in education to Educational Transactional Analysis: a personal encounter. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (5), 29–37.



Transactional analysis in education