Opening the world of education - towards the potential


Science is undoubtedly the search for the truth. As Karl Popper maintains, The classical concept of science as the true, certain and satisfactorily proved knowledge is still alive today. […] However, it has become outdated years ago along with the Einstein revolution (K. Popper, 1997, p. 55). When practicing science, man should reject the dogmatic criterion of truth, as only then the search is worth of total attention. Everyone must, as A. Einstein used to say, find the proper way (K. Popper, 1997, p. 58). What route of intellectual journey am I to choose, then? It is the route of a pedagogue inspired by quantum physics. Why? Well, because I can see a striking relationship and community of thought. In education, like in quantum physics, an unusual, fabulous game is being played for our abilities, potentialities of cognition. The educational space, like the physical one, is not only given, but continuously assigned, not only uncovered, but continuously discovered, as if constantly on its way. What is the meaning of the road metaphor from the point of view of education? There is something important and extraordinary in it. The road means meeting on the treshold of me and the other; it means indefinable and mysterious „between” which „one of many implication is/can be transformation of man's possibilities into the better world” (R. Łukaszewicz, 2005, p. 31) so far invisible one. The visible is sometimes hidden in apertures, clefts and crack which lead in depth, under the surface, on the other side of the reality. However, it is the same reality. Where will the road of refl exive consideration take me? I think it will take me towards opening which requires creating internal space within us. It has to be extended, bent towards the exit, outside ourselves. The opening itself is pure potentiality. It is the manifestation of consent to the diversity of the world, also the educational world. What is needed is some kind of educational key!

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