Visual analogies in education. Cross-sectional and experimental research


The work introduced under the title: Visual Analogies in Education. At the Basis of Anthropological Idea of Students’ Training (M. Muszyńska, 2005) has theoreticalempirical character and belongs to the domain of aesthetical education. The visual analogies are the main subject of study. Capability of their apprehension in art is, probably, the origin of developing interpretation qualifi cations, the potential serving for future intertextual practices. Theoretical analyses (G. Bachelard, J. Derrida, M. Heidegger, M. Eliade, C. G. Jung, I. Kant, J. Lacan, A. Melberg, S. Kierkegaard, S. Žižek) and quality data obtained from experimental studies in the form of analogy profiles, allowed to express the following general statement: Analogy – its creating by an artist and observing the indicative relations between creations by the recipient, is the phenomenon repeatable in time (repetitive - temporal), in which renewal of meaning (idea) as well as changing „position” of the subject being in motion has a chance to occur. Analogy as metaphorical comparison is then a figure changing in time by cause not only of transformation of artistic practice, but the figure of „repetition”, which the subject wants to notice consciously and in reflection enlighten the difference as renewing the meaning. Whereas opportunities for conceptualization of analogy outline when individual perception will be projected as abductive inferential-interpretative process, in which iconic-index symbols will be recognized.

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