Attitude to the religious beliefs of "historical" psychological schools


The article deals with the relations between religion and psychology in the period of the rising classic (“historical”) schools of psychology from 1879 until the late 1950s. These years were significant for psychology as an independent discipline. The emphasis is put on the important psychologists’ attitudes towards religion and religious belief. Among others the views of W. Wundt, F. Brentano, W. James, S. Freud, C.G. Jung, A. Adler, E. Fromm, W. Stern, R. Otto, G.S. Hall, G.H. Mead, J.B. Watson, H.J. Eysenck and G. Allport are presented. The article illustrates a number of phenomena which are necessary to understand the above-mentioned problem. Particular attention should be paid to the search for ideological identity of psychology in the “historical” period, some terminological issues and the changes of psychological schools’ attitudes towards religion and religiosity.

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