"A Home - School for Everyone". Transcultural Identity in Education as a Chance for Formation School Transcultural Communities


transcultural education
transcultural identity


In recent years, Europe and the world have changed their political, economic and socio-cultural face. Migration movements caused by many factors, like SARS COV-2 or Russia's attack on Ukraine, have destabilized the system of social structures in the macro and micro space, including groups and various communities. At the same time, progressive digitalization has led to an easy and rapid blurring of the boundaries between the cultures represented in the home and school environments of children and young people. In the perspective of these changes, on the one hand, the threat of marginalization of students identifying with different cultures has increased, the use of stereotypes that have prevailed so far causing exclusion due to ethnic, national or religious diversity. On the other hand, the way has opened up for the formation of societies, including transcultural groups and communities, which make it possible to come to terms with the dynamics of cultures and to construct new transcultural structures devoid of any antagonisms. The presented article is an attempt at theoretical considerations on the essence of shaping transcultural identity among children and young people, introduced at school through education for transculturalism, and leading to the creation of a transcultural school community open, ensuring safety for all differences and focused on creating new connections. In these considerations, transcultural identity was considered as an "opportunity" for new tasks of the school aimed at ensuring the functioning of students in a culturally diverse, open, non-marginalizing school transcultural community.



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