Threat of Social Exclusion in European Union Countries and Possibilities of Counteracting it by Means of Multicultural Forms of Psychotherapeutic Interactions and Innovative Didactic Work


The article deals with issues connected with the shaping of social policies in the area of the EU. These policies are discussed in the context of rapid economic changes which take place to a large degree under the influence of the globalization process. Using these considerations, the work focused upon the following successive basic groups of issues: relations taking place between a welfare state and the process of European integration; material and social interdependencies of the existence of a welfare state in Europe; evolution of the traditional models of a welfare state within the frameworks of the EU. In the presentation of the above thematic blocks, a number of phenomena necessary to understand the discussed issues are illustrated, among which some of the most significant ones are: the search for ways to overcome poverty, the desire to establish a new jobs with maintaining high social standards, and equal access to education and culture. Significant attention was drown to the future of psychological care in the EU. Also are shown ways of running creative forms of psychotherapy and pedagogic.

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