Bunker/shelter as a Situated Learning Space: An Example of a Life Protection Experiment in Threatening
Bunker/shelter conditions, shelter experiment, situational learning.Abstract
The article describes the assumptions of an experiment and training conducted at the barracks of the Higher School of Justice (currently the Academy of Justice) in Kalisz. Sixty individuals were subjected to 12 hours of bunker deprivation. The studies conducted during the experiment focused on the utilization of bunkers as educational spaces where individuals learn effective life protection strategies in threatening conditions. The analyses encompass practical aspects such as physical preparedness for crisis situations and psychosocial aspects of learning in stressful conditions. The participants of the experiment underwent simulations of crisis situations. The project's aim was to describe the adaptation mechanisms of individuals to threatening situations in the context of life protection. The shelter/bunker can serve as a space supporting situated learning, preparing individuals for effective action in crisis conditions. The text presents those elements of the theory and research from the field of situated learning that should be taken into account in the didactic planning of training sessions for services conducted in bunkers/shelters.
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