Formal and Informal Use of TA Counselling in Education

Formal and Informal Use of TA Counselling in Education


  • Piotr Jusik, mgr International Community School w Londynie, Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y Cultural w San Pedro, Guatemala



consuelling, formal and informal consuelling, consuelling roles


This article applies role theory and thus clarifies the differences between educators and coun- sellors who use transactional analysis as a method of conceptualising their work to support growth and development of learners. Educators are seen as facilitators of growth that results from acquir- ing knowledge, skills and understanding, whereas counsellors emphasise growth resulting from in- trospection based on relational experiences with the practitioner. Furthermore, counselling inter- ventions can be differentiated into formal and informal work that show considerable differences in terms of contract, roles, levels of containment and confidentiality. Several transactional analysis models have been described in the context of formal and informal interventions. Relevant case studies have been presented to show how the concepts are applied in an educational environment. The author suggests that transactional analysis counsellors need to bring awareness into the roles that they hold and their ability to account for role differences will make their interventions more robust.


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Author Biography

Piotr Jusik, mgr, International Community School w Londynie, Centro de Investigacion Cientifica y Cultural w San Pedro, Guatemala

coach, trener i terapeuta. Doświadczenie zawodowe za-czął zdobywać w Londynie, w pracy z trudną młodzieżą oraz dziećmi z za-burzeniami emocjonalnymi. Zainspirowany środowiskiem pracy, rozpocząłstudia z analizy transakcyjnej w Oksfordzie, uzyskując kwalifikacje terapeu- tyczne (Dyplom Transactional Analysis Counselling) oraz akredytację Institute of Leadership and Management jako coach. Obecnie rozwija własny gabinet coachingu i terapii, a także prowadzi warsztaty rozwojowe z wykorzy-staniem konstruktów analizy transakcyjnej. Nauczał oraz prowadził treningi w różnych miejscach świata, między innymi w Polsce, we Francji, na Ukrainie i w Meksyku. Umożliwiło mu to rozszerzenie doświadczenia w pracy z szeroką i zróżnicowaną gamą klientów.




How to Cite

Jusik, P. (2017). Formal and Informal Use of TA Counselling in Education. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (6), 67–85.



Transactional analysis in education