In discovering the deeper meaning of We: "Original Play" ™ and Identity in Educational Theory and Practice"


While many scientists and sages acknowledge that a sustaining pattern of unity exists in life, they don’t know how to develop or practice it. The purpose of this article is to propose a behavioral paradigm shift from a culture of exclusion to a world of inclusion. Original play is a highly sophisticated neural recognition system encoded in children, which is able to discover this pattern of kindness in others creating a new sense of belonging. From my play with children presented herein article it is possible to form a portrait of a pattern of kindness inherent in children’s original play that transcends social, medical, and cultural categories. Examples persuade far more effectively than words. Original play initiates and sustains a sense of safety that influences proper cognitive development; creates a pattern of inclusiveness for children of special needs and different cultures; and develops an alternative pattern of physical activity that reduces and replaces bullying and aggression.

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