The effectiveness of social competence training in the prevention of aggressive behaviour of children – a review of the literature. Opportunities, limitations and new research perspectives

The effectiveness of social competence training in the prevention of aggressive behaviour of children – a review of the literature. Opportunities, limitations and new research perspectives




social prevention, aggressive behavior, training social skills


The article attempts to assess the effectiveness of social skills training in the social prevention of aggressive behaviour of children and adolescents, using a review of Polish and international research literature. The main goal of the article is to indicate the possibilities and limitations of using social skills training in the prevention of behaviour of this social group. The main assumption is to verify effectiveness in the perspective of various manifestations of aggressive behaviour of children and adolescents. The starting point for the analysis is the concept of evidence-based practice in social prevention, which assumes obtaining maximum efficiency based on empirical scientific evidence that comes from implementations and experimental studies.T he work results indicate areas of lower efficiency and an attempt to explain their causes and indicate further research perspectives.



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Author Biography

Sławomir Kania, Uniwersytet Opolski, Instytut Nauk Pedagogicznych

Pedagogy MSc, lecturer at the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences of the University of Opole, certified implementer of prevention programs. He conducts scientific research on the border of social pedagogy, resocialization and social work. I specialize in research in the field of prosocial behavior and risky behavior of children and adolescents, diagnosis of social problems, effectiveness of social prevention, with particular emphasis on the concept of positive prevention.


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How to Cite

Kania, S. (2021). The effectiveness of social competence training in the prevention of aggressive behaviour of children – a review of the literature. Opportunities, limitations and new research perspectives. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (10), 199–215.



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