Personal and social dimensions of the theatrical activity of people with autism spectrum on the example of the ‘Authentic Artists’ theater group

Personal and social dimensions of the theatrical activity of people with autism spectrum on the example of the ‘Authentic Artists’ theater group




Autism Spectrum, creativity, theatre, emancipation


The theater, in which the actors are people with autism spectrum, has not yet been researched extensively. Most of the texts consider the therapeutic contexts of theatrical activity performed by people with autism spectrum, or even interventions against them using theatrical techniques. In this article, the author looks for a different perspective on the phenomenon of theater activities performed by people with autism spectrum. The presented research was aimed at showing the activities of "Authentic Artists" theater in two dimensions: personal and social. The research method used was a qualitative study of an individual case, which was the theater group of people with autism spectrum "Authentic Artists" from Łódź. The research showed that theatrical activity can be a source of personal satisfaction and fulfillment for people with autism spectrum. The theater also turned out to be a place to establish relationships and make friends. It has been shown that the activity of "Authentic Artists" has also an emancipatory potential, being a space for searching for their own forms of identity and creativity


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Author Biography

Sabina Pawlik, University of Silesia

Assistant Professor at the Institute of Pedagogy of the University of Silesia in Katowice, doctor of social sciences in the discipline of pedagogy, special educator. She is coordinator for accessibility at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Silesia. She holds the social function of head of the pedagogical section of the internal research unit Institutum Investigationis Scovorodianum at the Autism Team Foundation in Łódź. Her research interests include: the inclusive potential of art of people with disabilities, educational inclusion, transformations of contemporary special education, and disability and social exclusion in the biographical perspective/


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How to Cite

Pawlik, S. (2020). Personal and social dimensions of the theatrical activity of people with autism spectrum on the example of the ‘Authentic Artists’ theater group. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (9), 277–288.



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