Lider w niewoli Trójkąta Dramatycznego
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
Trójkąt Dramatyczny, ofiara, prześladowca, wybawca, przemocAbstrakt
The author of the article attempts to describe the role of the leader within the context of being captured in the Drama Triangle. Basing his argumentation on the two characteristic case studies regarding leaders' behaviour, the author describes various behaviours, emotions, feelings and reac- tions experienced by leaders. Particular attention is given to the analysis of interpersonal conflicts and their possible solutions. The two case studies are an important part of the article as they pre- sent a practical illustration of how leaders act and experience the following roles: Victim, Prosecu- tor, Rescuer and Avenger. The analysis of the case studies allows the reader to investigate practical aspects of the search for effective solutions, which may help both leaders and their subordinates. The premises examined in the article are well-documented in research, and their detailed descrip- tions can be found in the rich review of subject literature.
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