Rola psychoterapeuty w pracy z ofiarami i sprawcami przemocy szkolnej
DOI:łowa kluczowe:
trójkąt dramatyczny, ofiara, prześladowca, wybawca, przemocAbstrakt
In the article the author attempts to describe the role of the psychotherapist within the context of therapy with victims and perpetrators of school violence. Basing his argumentation on two characteristic case studies regarding the behaviour of victims and perpetrators of this kind of vio- lence, the author provides examples of various behaviours, emotions, feelings and reactions expe- rienced by them. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the abuse-related trauma and con- flicts and the search for effective copying or preventive strategies. Two case studies are an im- portant part of the article, as they offer a practical illustration of how a therapist can help and sup- port the clients who want to cope with the abuse-related trauma. The analysis of the case studies allows the reader to investigate practical aspects of the search for effective solutions which may help both victims and abusers. The premises examined in the article are well-documented in light of cited research, where detailed descriptions may be found in the extensive overview of relevant subject literature.
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