Rectifying names in the philosophical and pedagogical thought of Confucianism
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rectifying names
the philosophy of upbringing


The objective of this paper is to investigate the philosophical and pedagogical context of the issues relevant to rectifying names in Chinese Confucian thought. Upon the basis of hermeneutical studies and comparative research, the author answers the question of the significance of rectifying names for the process of the upbringing of a human being. The author analyses this issue upon the basis of the available foreign and Polish translations of the Analects of Confucius, and also investigates the positions taken by specialists in the field of the philosophy of the Far East, among others, by Feng Youlan, Benjamin Schwartz and JeeLoo Liu. Not only is the pedagogical dimension of rectifying names relevant to the need of ordering pedagogical notions and ensuring their precision, but also connected with attempts to apply names in education as a tool of indoctrination and the implementation of the authoritarian model of education. Moreover, the application of rectifying names is to emphasise the axio-normative profile of upbringing regardless of the fact whether the profile in question is oriental or occidental, ancient or contemporary.
Pdf (Język Polski)


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