Cognitive Educational Transaction: Assessment and Mediation of Pupil’s Cognitive Capacities

Cognitive Educational Transaction: Assessment and Mediation of Pupil’s Cognitive Capacities




mediation, cognitive stimulus transaction, cognitive process, motor speed, mental speed, cognitive flexibility


At present, the subject of basic and applied research is becoming a specific type of educational transaction whose aim is to know the cognitive determinants of the educational process. Research findings relating to the brain and mind indicate that if we can gain a better understanding of a pupil’s cognitive apparatus, this may lead to more effective teaching of low-performing pupils. When considering the causes of a pupil’s unsatisfactory school performance, it is important to consider which elements of thinking require activation during information processing, or task performance. Knowing the aspects of motor and mental speed and cognitive flexibility of the pupil is the starting point for cognitive stimulus transactions. From this knowledge, subsequently generated transactions can be carried out in an individual intervention aimed at remediating the possible cognitive deficiencies in low performing pupils. In the paper we present the results of the pilot research (as a part of more complex experimental study ), the intention of which is to assess the suitability and the selection of appropriate research tools in the diagnosis of motor speed in pupils. The diagnosis is an introduction to research on the assessment of the impact of the relationship between the motor speed and the speed of information processing in a student on the their success in learning. The subjects are students aged 8-10, gender-diverse. During the diagnosis: Mira Stambak hatch tests, the "Looping" test, the rate of writing the word "house" by Elżbieta Grzegorzewska test, Rene Zazzo Card Test, Ozierecki test of motor speed development, test of cognitive functions Trail Making Test (TMT) Dean Delis, Edith Kaplan and Joel Kramer. The following have been taken into account: accuracy of the test, time needed to carry out the test, clarity of instructions, criteria for evaluation of results and interest of students. After analyzing the results, it has been found that the proper tests will be conducted with the following tests: Looping, Hatching and Trail Making Test.


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Author Biographies

Iveta Kovalčíková, University of Presov; Pedagogical university of Crakow

Iveta Kovalcikova is the Professor at University of Presov (Faculty of Education), Slovakia.  Her teaching and lecturing is focused on the following subjects: Cognitive Education, Cognitive stimulation of individual educational needs, Dynamic assessment of latent learning capacities. In the last 10 years she was (and still is) the principal investigator of the research projects supported by National Research Agency Ministry of Education, Slovak Republic:  Dynamic assessment of the latent learning capacities, Executive functioning as a structural component of ability to learn   with special focus on underperforming children from Roma ethnic group. She has obtained a specific research experience related to Cognitive Education and Psychology during: Fulbright research scholarship, PACE, Yale University (USA) and, DAAD research scholarship, University of Osnabrueck (Germany). From 2013 till 2017 she was the vice-president for Europe of International Association of Cognitive Education and Psychology.

Joanna Miecznik-Warda, Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im.Janusza Korczaka w Warszawie

Doktorant na Uniwersytecie Preszowskim w Preszowie, na Wydziale Pedagogiki, nauczyciel akademicki Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej im. Janusza Korczaka w Warszawie na Wydziale Nauk Społeczno – Pedagogicznych w Katowicach, nauczyciel w Zespole Szkół Prywatnych „Twoja Przyszłość” w Sosnowcu, pedagog wczesnoszkolny, pedagog szkolny, terapeuta pedagogiczny, terapeuta Racjonalnej Terapii Zachowania, mediator, trener mnemotechnik. Jej zainteresowania naukowe obejmują diagnozę i wspomaganie uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi, diagnozę procesów kognitywnych u uczniów, efektywność nauczania: mnemotechniki oraz TIK w edukacji.


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How to Cite

Kovalčíková, I., & Miecznik-Warda, J. . (2019). Cognitive Educational Transaction: Assessment and Mediation of Pupil’s Cognitive Capacities . The Educational Transactional Analysis, (8), 117–132.



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