Characteristics of adult dreams in the perspective of the concept of passivity in the meaning of transactional analysis

Characteristics of adult dreams in the perspective of the concept of passivity in the meaning of transactional analysis




dreams, passivity, passive strategies, transactional analysis, dream categories


The text is a research report by the author on the characteristics of adult dreams in the perspective of the concept of passivity in the understanding of transactional analysis. The aim of the exploration was to determine the potential relationship between dreams (their type, approach to dreams, or perception in the category of fantasy/goal) and passive strategies. The following research is quantitative and indicates how real the respondents believe it is to achieve their dream.


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Author Biography

Marika Oracz, Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa

Marika Oracz


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How to Cite

Oracz, M. (2024). Characteristics of adult dreams in the perspective of the concept of passivity in the meaning of transactional analysis. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (13).



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