Polish Educational Needs of Young Educators in the Context of Transactional Educational Hungers and in Relation to Professional Personality Types

Polish Educational Needs of Young Educators in the Context of Transactional Educational Hungers and in Relation to Professional Personality Types





transactional educational hungers, teacher, educational needs, professional personality


This paper presents the results of research relating to the educational needs of young pedagogues in relation to their professional personality types. The research was conducted using the Questionnaire of Educational Needs (KPE) and the Holland Occupational Personality Test. Students of pedagogy at the Humanitas Academy in Sosnowiec and students of pedagogy, psycho-prevention and psychological support at the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa were involved in this research. The KPE study showed a high level of student indications of hunger for recognition and stimulation. When analysing the students' research with the Holland Occupational Personality Test, results were obtained that clearly indicated a dominant social personality. A statistically significant relationship was observed between realistic style and hunger for stimulation, where the stronger the realistic style, the more stimulation it needs; artistic style and hunger for stimulation, where the stronger the artistic style, the more stimulation it needs; conventional style and hunger for structure, where the stronger the conventional style, the more structure it needs. Research into the individual differences of prospective teachers within their personality traits, coupled with an examination of their educational needs, can provide solutions to many educational problems, as well as pointing the way to better teacher education.


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Author Biography


Joanna Miecznik – Warda, doktorant, Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. Janusza Korczaka w Warszawie Wydział Nauk Społeczno – Pedagogicznych w Katowicach
Doktorant na Uniwersytecie Preszowskim w Preszowie, na Wydziale Pedagogiki, nauczyciel akademicki Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej im. Janusza Korczaka w Warszawie na Wydziale Nauk Społeczno – Pedagogicznych w Katowicach, nauczyciel w Zespole Szkół Prywatnych „Twoja Przyszłość” w Sosnowcu, pedagog wczesnoszkolny, pedagog szkolny, terapeuta pedagogiczny, terapeuta Racjonalnej Terapii Zachowania, mediator, trener mnemotechnik. Jej zainteresowania naukowe obejmują diagnozę i wspomaganie uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi, diagnozę procesów kognitywnych u uczniów, efektywność nauczania: mnemotechniki oraz TIK w edukacji.


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How to Cite

Miecznik-Warda, J. (2024). Polish Educational Needs of Young Educators in the Context of Transactional Educational Hungers and in Relation to Professional Personality Types. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (13). https://doi.org/10.16926/eat.2024.13.09



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