The experience of online grooming in the perspective of “digital natives”

The experience of online grooming in the perspective of “digital natives”


  • Natalia Pendziałek Szkoła Doktorska w Uniwersytecie Śląskim



online grooming, media education, young adults


Online grooming is the grooming of children using the Internet, aimed for their later sexual exploitation. The present study aimed to reveal the scale of the threat by analyzing the experience of online grooming according to young adults, the first generation of “digital natives" (those raised with widespread access to the Internet). A survey method i.e. a survey questionnaire was used. A total of 136 people aged 19-30 took part in the survey. The results indicate that awareness of online grooming is still low, although almost everyone encounters its manifestations. Children and teenagers did not identify them as a potential threat. In some cases, the effects of online grooming can have a huge impact on the perception of reality in adulthood. The respondents rarely sought help in the face of their experiences, most often from their parents and guardians, least often from their teachers. From a pedagogical perspective, this indicates deficiencies in the implementation of media education tasks by state institutions, schools and families. What is required is raising public awareness of the dangers awaiting the child online, especially in view of such rapidly developing technology and the shifting age limit at which a minor independently (without control) uses Internet resources.


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How to Cite

Pendziałek, N. (2023). The experience of online grooming in the perspective of “digital natives”. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (12), 187–202.



Research Raports