Impact of ICT – chaos and information “confusion” in the view of students and teachers
media pedagogy, diagnostic-correlation research, opinion correlation, ICT competencies, ICT use, chaos and information “confusion”Abstract
The article presents a fragment of the diagnostic-correlation research of a mixed character, defining ICT competencies of students as far as using ICT methods and tools is concerned. It seeks an answer to the question on the consequences of using ICT by children and adolescents (significance level of new media impact) in the area of chaos and information “confusion”. A diagnostic survey (a questionnaire and an interview) and statistical methods (a chi-square test and Pearson correlation coefficient) were used. 2510 students and 1110 teachers were researched. It was found out that: 1) according to the aggregated order of importance regarding ICT impact, the information “confusion” category was given the least importance by the students (the fifth place), and small importance by the teachers (the fourth place); 2) there is a correlation (correlation: weak, positive – r @ 0,29) between the students’ opinions and the teachers’ views concerning the impact of using ICT by children and adolescents leading to growing information chaos and confusion (overload and interference with information handling); 3) the calculations of differentiators showed significant statistical differences between the impact of ICT on children and adolescents leading to chaos and information “confusion” and their educational stage and place of learning; 4) there is a noticeable similarity between the students’ and the teachers’ views – “separating” the world of children and adolescents (“Us”) from the world of teachers (“Them”) is of little significance.
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