Ku czemu wychowywać ma szkoła? Refleksja w oparciu o model analizy transakcyjnej
https://doi.org/10.16926/eat.2016.05.06Słowa kluczowe:
analiza transakcyjna, stany ego, wychowanieAbstrakt
The process of upbringing and education should be aimed at developing a sense of responsibil- ity in the young generation, and the principles of solidarity, democracy, tolerance, justice and free- dom to lay the foundation for the activity of people entering adult life. These values, taking into account the concept of transactional analysis, can be fully implemented by individuals who know- ingly make use of all the positive aspects of the ego states - Parent, Adult and Child. How the ped- agogical thought indicates various road for development of the young generation and which ego states is activating and prevails, will be the topic of this article.
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