Ecumenical upbringing – the implementation of the organisational forms and the methods of the activity of schools above the primary level, taking under consideration the diversity of faiths and confessions on the land of Pszczyna
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intercultural education
forms and methods of activity in secondary schools in Pszczyna


In the contemporary socio-cultural assumptions, there is a need for the program, which appeared to cultural pluralism and religious among students. This growing awareness of the existing different communities is one of the reasons that education assign a significant role in shaping the
life model based on the interaction of individuals and communities, and entire societies - without
destructive conflicts of national, ethnic, religious or cultural.
The main foundations would be tolerance for attitudes and customs, respect for language, traditions, religions of all students, the mutual enrichment through exchange of values, instilling the
principles of peaceful existence and cooperation in social and cultural opposition to any form of
discrimination, and - apart from learning about their own history and culture – getting to know
the values of other cultures.
Functioning in a culturally diverse environment makes it assume a distinctive lifestyle, behavior
and conduct, drawing from more than one source of culture, assimilating more or less consciously
different values, directly experiencing other cultures and entering into direct interaction with its
representatives. To do this, develop the concept of integral education and pedagogy open, inspired, among others, Christianity. Religious Education is to fill an important humanizing role. It gives a basis to build attitudes of intercultural dialogue and tolerance
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