Media constructions of identity in the pandemic era-developmental and educational implications
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The main purpose of the author of the article is to analyze the way in which COVID-19 content in the media influences the shaping of the identity of their recipients.
I ask whether they fulfill their functions properly, being by definition a place of constructing experiences, sensations and opinions of people. What vision of the world appears after reading the materials, the subject of which are social changes caused by the epidemic situation? In search of answers to these questions I apply such analytical tools like functions and models of identity.
I present a thesis about the violation of the developmental idea of the individual’s assimilation with culture, as well as the violation of the integrity of the psyche in relation to three approaches to identity: sociological, psychological, and philosophical, illustrating the analysis with examples taken from the media in the period from March 20 to April 25, 2020.
Pdf (Język Polski)


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