Published: 2019-10-041

String Quartets – Górecki’s Testament Rooted in Tradition

Edukacja Muzyczna
Section: Research articles


String quartets called by Górecki “the music on four instruments” were written especially for the American group of musicians Kronos Quartet. All the three were created in the late period ofhis creativity, as the symbol of the composer’s intimate statement in the years 1988–1990–1994 (2005). What is interesting is the fate of the last quartet, which had to wait a decade for its pre- miere. Those quartets, because of the used musical material referring to Polish cultural heritage, can pose a native testimony. These references are of various character: from allusions to renais- sance sources, through Chopin threads, Shymanowski’s citations, to the references to the highland culture. In order to meet the requirements of the tradition of the genre autonomism, Górecki enti- tled his works so the titles suggest the type of cited authentic work. The goal of the article is to present the degree of those references.


contemporary Polish music, chamber music, citation in music, Henryk Mikołaj Górecki

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KARWASZEWSKA, M. (2019). String Quartets – Górecki’s Testament Rooted in Tradition. Edukacja Muzyczna, 9, 113–130.

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