Application of assumptions of educational transactional analysis in constructivist learning theory.

Application of assumptions of educational transactional analysis in constructivist learning theory.




educational theory, didactics, constructivism, electroencephalographic research, educational transakctional analysis


The article presents considerations regarding the use of current assumptions of transactional educational analysis in reference of constructivist learning theory. The development of neurodidactics and the widespread use of modern information technology in education puts in a new sense the accepted EAT paradigms in current school education. The authors put a number of open questions, which aim to take further discussion and reflection.


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Author Biographies

Tomasz Prauzner, Katedra Pedagogiki UJD w Częstochowie

assistant professor, doctor of humanities in the field of pedagogy, higher education in computer science, electronics and technology. The main goal of the author's research is to analyze the usefulness of modern technical and didactic means in teaching technical subjects. As part of his interests, he also conducts research on the use of simulation programs to assess the threats occurring in the environment and in the widely understood OHS. Author of over one hundred and twenty publications in the field of teaching technical subjects, information technology, electronics and health and safety education. Member of the Polish Pedagogical Society, Association of Polish Electrical Engineers.

Kacper Prauzner, Warszawski Uniweersytet Medyczny

Student of medicine, Medical University of Warsaw.


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How to Cite

Prauzner, T., & Prauzner, K. (2020). Application of assumptions of educational transactional analysis in constructivist learning theory. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (9), 71–78.



Transactional analysis in education