Psychiatrization as a mechanism for handicapping students with intellectual disability. Psychiatrisation in education

Psychiatrization as a mechanism for handicapping students with intellectual disability. Psychiatrisation in education




pedagogy, education in schools


This article aims to carry out a review analysis of issues related to the phenomenon of psychiatricization, especially in relation to students with intellectual disability (and, for example, coupled with autism).  Analysis of the literature on the subject shows that for decades, intellectual disability was defined as mental retardation and treated as a reduction in mental ability and was identified as mental illness. The fact is that people with intellectual disability may manifest mental disorders (Rola, 2004; Bouras, Holt , 2019), but this does not mean that this condition is common and affects the entire population.

Psychiatrization is associated with the discourse of, for example, school staff addressed to students with intellectual disabilities, with a narrative characterized by the pseudo-medical term: "mentally ill or disturbed." Scientific research proves that those students, due to their specific communication code, hidden in behavior (defined as difficult, aggressive, passive, antisocial, etc.), may be treated as mentally disturbed. This type of categorization concerns the phenomenon of medicalization in the nature of psychiatricization, where the consequence is stigmatization, handicapping and falsification of students' identities.


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Author Biography

Beata Gumienny, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski

Beata Gumienny



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How to Cite

Gumienny, B. (2024). Psychiatrization as a mechanism for handicapping students with intellectual disability. Psychiatrisation in education. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (13).



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