(Non) aggressive, (non) violent computer games - definitional challenges
computer games, non aggressiveAbstract
The primary goal of this research endeavor is to delineate the challenges associated with classifying computer games as “aggressive or violent”. These terms are frequently invoked in media and public discourse, particularly concerning the influence of computer games on aggressive behaviours, such as those observed in mass shooting incidents. However, both a comprehensive literature review and the findings derived from this study affirm the absence of definitive criteria for characterising what truly constitutes “aggressive or violent” computer games. The data underscore the necessity for deliberation in defining the categories of aggression or violence within gaming spheres, enabling a clear demarcation between so-called aggressive or violent computer games and other types. This delineation is crucial given that most games center around competition or resolving diverse conflict scenarios, wherein various forms of aggression or violence are employed—for instance, the act of fouling a player in FIFA, a simulation of football. The research focused on computer players aged 13-14 and were selected for participation based on their behaviour related to computer games.
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