The feeling of efficiency in the opinion of the surveyed students of Rzeszów universities

The feeling of efficiency in the opinion of the surveyed students of Rzeszów universities




effectiveness, expectation, efficiency, education, students



The sense of effectiveness plays an important role in the subjective perception of well-being by an individual. It closely relates the level of effectiveness to the expected performance of each activity. Higher expectations should release energy and affect effective results of education or professional work. The aim of this article is to analyze the sense of effectiveness in life of students who started their studies in science and humanities. For this purpose, I have carried research out based on an own project taken among 383 students of the Rzeszów University of Technology and The University of Rzeszow. The research used a diagnostic survey method, and a standardized tool to measure the level of effectiveness in life using the Generalized Self-Efficency Scale (GSES) developed by Ralf Schwarzer and Matthias Jerusalem and prepared in Polish adaptation by Zygrfyd Juczyński.

The research showed that the students' sense of effectiveness in life was moderate. The following independent variables were taken into account: university, gender, age, place of residence and the wealth of the respondents. In two studies, there was a difference in the level of statistical significance depending on the type of university and the gender of the respondents. On the other hand, taking into account the average, students from the Rzeszów University of Technology showed a slightly higher level of sense of effectiveness in contrast to students from the University of Rzeszów. The conclusions from the research constitute a challenge for the education system, teachers at all levels of education, so that any changes, systematically introduced to the education programs, could reflect the needs of students to a greater extent.


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Author Biography

Zbigniew Chodkowski, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski

adiunkt: Uniwersytet Rzeszowski; Kolegium Nauk Społecznych; Instytut Pedagogiki


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How to Cite

Chodkowski, Z. (2022). The feeling of efficiency in the opinion of the surveyed students of Rzeszów universities. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (11), 119–134.



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