Published: 2019-10-031

Polish themes in the Masses by Jan A. Maklakiewicz and Tadeusz Maklakiewicz

Edukacja Muzyczna
Section: Research articles


The subject matter of the article is focused on two Masses with Polish text which, in accord-ance with the typology by Stanisław Dąbek, represent the type of the so-called Polish Mass –characteristic to the works of the Polish composers of the first half of the 20th century. The author of the article has chosen Masses representative for the Maklakiewicz brothers, whose works referto the “Polish” dimension not only in the title or by the use of Polish text but also by national elements in the form of an idiom of the native folklore. The article analyses the Polish Mass by Jan A. Maklakiewicz, composed in 1944 and the Highland Mass by Tadeusz Maklakiewicz, composed in 1981 and dedicated to the Pope John Paul II.


20th century Polish Masses, Jan Adam Maklakiewicz, Polish Mass, Highland Mass, music works dedicated to John Paul II

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KARWASZEWSKA, M. (2019). Polish themes in the Masses by Jan A. Maklakiewicz and Tadeusz Maklakiewicz. Edukacja Muzyczna, 11, 41–59.

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