The concept of Communication Door as a tool to assist students in achieving educational success and to improve communication between participants in the educational process

The concept of Communication Door as a tool to assist students in achieving educational success and to improve communication between participants in the educational process




teacher, communication door, learning styles, transactional analysis, teaching individualization


The article presents an innovative perspective on learning styles and communication styles, thanks to which it is possible to enhance the effectiveness of educational activities in the educational process and to improve the way of conducting conversations with parents or students. The author refers to scientific research, indicating low validity of recognizing the effectiveness of dividing students according to the so-called learning styles. Instead, she proposes using one of the concepts of Transactional Analysis – contact fields, described for the first time by P. Ware, and additionally included in the concept of T. Kahler’s personality adaptation. The article presents the concept of contact fields and its translation into educational practice: methods of recognizing preferred contact fields for individual students and parents, as well as practical examples of using the concept as a method of individualizing work with students.


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Author Biography

Aleksandra Klupś, mgr

Absolwentka Szkoły Analizy Transakcyjnej, kursu AT 101. Uczestniczy w zaawansowanym szkoleniu Education via Autonomy, naktórym przy pomocy Véronique Guelfucci (TSTA-E) i Jeana Paula Godeta (TSTA-E) przygotowuje się do egzaminu na CTA-E. Zdobytą wiedzę wykorzystuje w pracy na polu edukacji – z uczniami, nauczycielami czy rodzicami. Poznawanie nowych koncepcji z zakresu analizy transakcyjnej pozwala jej szukać nowych rozwiązań, które wdraża na warsztatach z uczniami bądź też które przekazuje nauczycielom, aby mogli je wykorzystać w swojej codziennej pracy



How to Cite

Klupś, A. (2018). The concept of Communication Door as a tool to assist students in achieving educational success and to improve communication between participants in the educational process. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (7), 37–47.



Transactional analysis in education