Good practices in the field of military training in the field of cybersecurity
good practices, training, cybersecurity, IT, ICT, information security, administration, Help Desk, Service DeskAbstract
The aim of the article was to determine the impact of good practices in the IT area on the training of soldiers in the area of cybersecurity. In order to achieve the goal, the author in the article characterized the centers and forms of training in the Armed Forces in the field of cybersecurity and determined the impact of the increasing number of basic and dedicated IT services, as well as technical and organizational solutions of command support systems on the process of training soldiers of the Communications and IT Forces in the field of cybersecurity. As a practical goal of the article, the author has adopted the determination of the probable direction of change in the method of training in terms of implementation and expansion of ICT systems and services used. In the article, the author presented the capabilities that should be achieved by military IT specialists in order to effectively perform tasks, characterized good practices used in the ICT support system. The cognitive objective of the article was to identify the determinants that affect
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