Between Parents and Teachers? – A Pilot Study on the Relationship between Parents of Children with Disabilities and Teachers
inclusion, family, qualitative research, education, disabilityAbstract
This article describes a pilot study on the inter-system change of educational institutions from the perspective of families with children with disabilities. The theoretical section includes a review of literature on parental involvement, institutional changes, and the support provided by psychological and pedagogical counseling centers. The research problem is identical to the primary problem of the main study: What are the experiences of families of children with disabilities regarding inter-system changes in educational institutions? The aim of the interviews with directors of counseling centers was to identify specific issues, which the author addresses by analyzing the research material based on the categories identified: limited choice, school resistance, support, priorities, emotions, and parental attitudes. In conclusion, the author expands on the significance of the identified specific issues in the context of advanced analyses of the main study.
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