Perception of the sexual sphere of older people by young people, taking into account ageism attitudes and the level of their own sexual satisfaction
ageism, sexual satisfaction, sexuality of the elderlyAbstract
Despite the fact that the population is ageing and more people reach 100 years old, the needs
of the elderly in Poland are still a little-discussed political issue. Discrimination against older people exists and affects all areas of their lives, including the sexual sphere.
Aim of the study and research problem
The aim of the paper is to determine what attitudes towards the sexuality of older people have people aged 18-26 years, taking into account their declared sexual satisfaction and manifested ageistic attitudes.
Material and methods
The article is based on a study conducted in December 2022, on a group of 114 people.
The studies used a quantitative approach and used questionnaires to examine the severity
of these parameters.
Results and conclusions
The study showed that the assessment of the sexuality of the elderly does not differ according to the sex of the subject and that the level of ageism and sexual satisfaction is important in the assessment of said sexuality. Interestingly, the study also showed that sexual satisfaction is more a predictor for men than for women, and ageistic attitudes are more a predictor for women than for men.
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