Multicultural school. Students’ identity and value system
multicultural education, multiculturalism, identity, identity identification, self-identification, values, value systemAbstract
The article presents the phenomenon of multiculturalism and multicultural and intercultural education on the basis of publications by J. Nikitorowicz, J. A. Banks, M. A. Gibson and other authors, as well as own research on the system of values and identity identification of students of the Canadian School in Warsaw. The article attempts to diagnose the system of values and identity of students of the Canadian School and compares the results of the research with the results of other researchers. The research shows what students of the multicultural school identify with and which values are most important to them.
Presenting the system of values of young students, the author drew attention to the fact that the respondents highly value health, freedom, social values such as goodness, honesty, respect, safety and love.
Identity self-identifications refer to declarations related to gender, sense of identity of national, European, global, religious and traditional nature.
The value system and self-identifications of the students of the Canadian School prove that young people in a multicultural school are open-minded, modern and feel first and foremost citizens of the world.
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