Educational strategies of teachers with different styles of self-realization
development of teachers and students, styles of self-realization, educational strategiesAbstract
The article presents the results of research on the relationship between the styles of teachers' self-realization and their educational strategies. Five styles of self-realization were measured: self-acceptance, acceptance of others, solving social conflicts, solving internal conflicts, lack of self-realization and random variable educational strategies: strengthening, development, adaptation, ideology. The results of the research from the random sample showed that there is a general difference between the group of teachers not realizing their potentials (lack of self-realization) and other teachers presenting different styles of self-realization. The former identify themselves with heterogeneous strategies, while the latter - with autonomous ones. This was not the case with reinforcement strategies, when all groups used individual (autonomous) rather than collective (heteronomous) reinforcement strategies.
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