Constructing own professional career by students of pedagogy
career, constructing a professional career, work, career construction theory M. L. Savickas, pedagogy studentsAbstract
The article presented here consists of a typical triad for research report works. The first part
presents a theoretical approach to career construction. In this respect, it was based on
M.L. Savickas’ constructionist theory. The second part of the article describes the methodology of
the own research undertaken, the subject of which was the construction of careers by students
of pedagogy. The aim of the research was to get to know the views of pedagogy students on the
issue of constructing their own professional career. The research procedure was supposed to answer the question of completion: what are the views on the construction of one’s own professional career presented by students of pedagogy? The answer to the adopted research problem
was searched by the form of qualitative content analysis, for which a proprietary research tool
was constructed. The research was embedded in the paradigm of pragmatism, which puts emphasis primarily on the practical effectiveness of problem solving. For this reason, it was decided that
the most rational methodological solution for the given research problem would be the adoption
of a qualitative strategy. The last part of the article contains the results of the author’s own research, which, among other things, shows that some students of pedagogy combined their professional career with the work of a teacher/pedagogue.
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