Preschool teacher assistants and the quality of preschool education – prolegomena for research in Poland
the qualifications of the teachers of preschool education, the quality of education, looking after a child, preschool teacher assistantsAbstract
A lion′s share of research into preschool education is constituted by studies relevant to the qualifications and competences of teachers. The research in question is connected with improving the quality of the work performed by the institutions of preschool education. In this context, the problem of preschool teacher assistants, constituting a observable and important element of the life of nursery school, is disregarded. In the literature of the subject, these people are referred to as invisible employees. Ascertaining that there has been no research into this subject-matter in Poland, the authoress concentrated her attention upon presenting the results of research into this subject-matter conducted in foreign countries. What the research in question renders clear is that it is essential to look more closely at the subject-matter being described and to implement an appropriate research.
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