Kolb’s cycle in teachers’ group work in the context of transactional analysis
czyli cykl Kolba w pracy grupowej w kontekście analizy transakcyjnej
transactional analysis in school, games in adult learning, Kolb’s cycle, adult learningAbstract
In this paper we look at processes occurring among teachers during annual development pro- grammes, juxtaposing observations of behaviour in the context of Kolb’s cycle with selected ele- ments of transactional analysis.
The purpose of this paper is to provide a preliminary analysis of phenomena, as described by Transactional Analysis (AT) (Jagieła, 2015, Motyl, 2019), that may occur in the first two phases of Kolb’s cycle. The premise of the work is that the teacher’s development priority is the ability to self-observe and build awareness of one’s own decisions, behaviors, and motivations (Juszczyk, 2013, Szymańska, 2016). The development programs from which the observations described in the article were taken, were attended by 120 people, belonging to 6 workshop groups. Each group consisted of 12 to 20 teachers of various subjects in grades 4–8 and elementary school principals from all over Poland. The groups implemented, preceded by an extensive needs analysis, the de- velopment programs Sense and Method and Join the Dots over the years 2017–2021. Each pro- gram had a developmental goal, was not planned and implemented as a research program. Ob- servation records and internal recordings were analyzed for the purpose of this study. However, the organic nature of the classes (natural conditions, natural need and motivation of the teams, awareness of the lack of evaluation) allowed us to look at the observed phenomena and design future research based on them
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