Prophylaxis of suicidal behavior in conditions of penitentiary isolation from the perspective of Transactional Analysis.

Prophylaxis of suicidal behavior in conditions of penitentiary isolation from the perspective of Transactional Analysis.




suicide attempts and suicide in prisons, suicidal behavior prevention, transaction analysis


Suicidal behaviors in society, regardless of their final result, are an important topic that requires many preventive actions. In specific conditions, such as the conditions of imprisonment, it is even more important to prevent and counteract the negative effects of isolation which may increase an already high risk of suicide. In penitentiary establishments, suicidal prevention is carried out on the basis of detailed instructions on the prevention of suicide of imprisoned persons. The article discusses individual provisions of the aforementioned instruction and the manner of their implementation. It is also an attempt to present the actions taken and their effects with the use of Transactional Analysis terminology.


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Author Biography

Elżbieta Jasnosik, none

Psychologist, psychotherapist, Transactional Analysis practitioner in the field of psychotherapy, prison psychologist. She works with convicted men, penitentiary recidivists. She also runs a private practice.


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How to Cite

Jasnosik, E. (2020). Prophylaxis of suicidal behavior in conditions of penitentiary isolation from the perspective of Transactional Analysis. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (9), 29–38.



Transactional analysis in education