Feedback as an educational tool to meet needs and an area of exchange of recognition signs

Feedback as an educational tool to meet needs and an area of exchange of recognition signs




hungers, needs, recognition signs, feedback


Referring to the issues of transactional analysis and E. Berne's observations, in this article the author refers to the concept of hunger (Stewart, Joines, 2018, pp. 96 - 97, Tomkiewicz, 1984, pp. 98-102) and signs of recognition (Stewart, Joines, 2018, pp. 96 - 114) as important aspects of building a culture of dialogue since the early years of human existence. The author draws attention to the feedback, as one of the basic tools, which allows to effectively provide knowledge and to set the path of development. As a key element of shaping the attitude of a young person, the author indicates development through communication. In this process, feedback plays a significant role as a catalyst of potential. It allows to monitor and respond to the needs of the client. Thus, it significantly influences the shaping of the sense of his value. 


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Author Biography

Ewa Wilczewska, none

HR and communication strategist, certified trainer of social competences and business mentor, practitioner of transactional analysis. Author of the Feedback Development Value Project, the textbook "Effective and developmental interpersonal communication", the e-book "Know-how in managing oneself in time" and e-learning courses on human potential management. Professionally, by combining business and mentoring experience, she supports organizations in information management and implementation of projects that allow them to build committed, effective teams, based on the identification of employees' potential. Research interests: feedback in the current of transactional analysis as a tool that works and brings profit to the individual and the organization.


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Stewart, I., Joines, V. (2018). Analiza transakcyjna dzisiaj. Poznań: Dom Wydawniczy Rebis.

Tomkiewicz, A. (1984). Niektóre zagadnienia analizy transakcyjnej. Roczniki Nauk Społecznych. Tom XII, Zeszyt 2.

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How to Cite

Wilczewska, E. (2020). Feedback as an educational tool to meet needs and an area of exchange of recognition signs . The Educational Transactional Analysis, (9), 13–27.



Transactional analysis in education