Trans-action! Seminar as an event in the light of transactional analysis

Trans-action! Seminar as an event in the light of transactional analysis




transactional analysis, Eric Berne, seminar, psychological game


This paper is a result of analysing the academic phenomenon of research seminar in order to find elements of its structure (a set of invariable traits). This research was conducted with the help of terminology taken from Transactional Analysis, which made it possible to name a few seminar games and to discuss the issue of the very seminar description boundaries.


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Author Biography

Łukasz Michalski, a:1:{s:5:"pl_PL";s:33:"Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach";}

Employee of the Institute of Pedagogy at the University of Silesia in Katowice. In his research interests he oscillates around the philosophical and cultural contexts of upbringing and qualitative research strategies (in particular, using the interface between the methodology of literary studies and reflection on upbringing). Currently, he focuses his research efforts on issues related to the theory of historiography of education. He published, inter alia, the book Transformations of Impossible Syntheses. Towards the pedagogical nature of the textbook historiography of education, in which it explores the meanders of the narrative of contemporary historical and educational syntheses.


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How to Cite

Michalski, Łukasz. (2020). Trans-action! Seminar as an event in the light of transactional analysis. The Educational Transactional Analysis, (9), 55–70.



Transactional analysis in education